ZoneWatcher! So I guess this is the first thing I've “made” for MARCHintosh?

Posted 2024-03-07 | Back to 2024 archive

ZoneWatcher! So I guess this is the first thing I've “made” for MARCHintosh?

It's a HyperCard stack to notify you when a new AppleTalk Zone shows up, useful to watch on the growth of GlobalTalk. You can leave it running overnight to see what zones popped up and left that you missed.

This is the first HyperTalk I've written in over 20 years so plz be nice.

You can find it on AppleShare “Blackbird" in zone “BaroNet" on GlobalTalk. You'll have to copy it to a writable disk to run

A HyperCard stack called “ZoneWatcher” with two lists of AppleTalk Zones, one current and one containing all known zones even ones that are no longer visible

BTW feel free to mod this however you want to suit your taste and use case and redistribute your own version, this is HyperCard after all, power to the people!!

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