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Jrju v0.9 (The Spider) Tool for Self-Organizing Hypertext (jrju-09.hqx)

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From: Richard Rathe
Subject: Jrju v0.9 (The Spider) Tool for Self-Organizing Hypertext

Jrju v0.9 (The Spider) Tool for Self-Organizing Hypertext

Jrju (Chinese for spider) is a Perl program that weaves hypertext
"notebooks" from plain text files. An author creates notebook pages using
the JTX markup format. Jrju will process a directory of JTX files into a
cross-linked collection of HTML pages. Jrju rebuilds the entire notebook
each time so there are no broken links or orphan pages.

Summary of Features

Uses plain text files (no HTML markup!)
Automatic creation of hierarchical indexes
Automatic linking of cross-references
Automatic linking of inverse references
Automatic placement of graphics
Automatic linking of external resources (URLs)
Automatic linking of email addresses
Support for modest HTML formatting (paragraphs, lists)
Available without cost for non-commercial use

Files Included in this Package

extras folder ...... contains help and graphic files
jrju folder ........ the user's manual
Jrju App ........... the application (includes MacPerl runtime)
Jrju Droplet ....... the "droplet" for use with MacPerl .......... the Perl script in plain text
readme.html ........ more information and links
title.ttx .......... title file template


First you must edit the OS variable to match your system:

$os = 'Mac'; # Mac, DOS, or Unix

Next install Perl, or use the runtime application (Mac only).

If you are using a Macintosh, save Jrju as a MacPerl "droplet". To use the
program simply drag and drop notebook directories containing JTX files on
this icon.

If you are using Unix, save Jrju as an executable script. You will need to
modify the first #! line to match your system and set the file to
"executable." To use the program, type at the command line:

jrju book1 book2 etc.

If you are using DOS/Windows, save jrju as a text (.pl) file. To use the
program, type at the command line:

perl book1 book2 etc.

Where book1 and book2 are directories containing JTX files.

Jrju is currently under development - use it with caution. This software is
provided "as is" with no promise of support or guarantee of suitability.
Please send bug reports, questions, or comments to

Quick Start Directions

1. Create a new directory/folder.
2. Copy the "extras" folder into it.
3. Copy the title.ttx file and modify it as needed.
4. Create a few ".jtx" files.
- Plain (ASCII) text
- File title on first line
- Blank line between paragraphs
5. Invoke Jrju by dragging the directory on top of the application (Mac)
or starting the program from the command line as described above.
6. Open "index.html" with your browser.
7. Repeat steps #4 through #6 as you revise your content.

Useful Links .............. online user's manual .. current Perl source .. complete package ......... Perl for your system .......................... general info on Perl .. MacPerl home

Support Open Source Software!

Jrju is provided free to the Internet community for non-commercial use by
individuals, institutions, and not-for-profit organizations. Commercial
users should contact the author to obtain a site license.

Jrju was written by Richard Rathe and is Copyright 1997-2000.