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NihonGO_200.sit.hqx (Language Conversion) [/font or /text] (nihon-go-20.hqx)

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From: (James Devenish)
Subject: NihonGO_200.sit.hqx (Language Conversion) [/font or /text]

NihonGO! v2.0 for Macintosh. This freeware program performs simple
character translation which will transform plain romaji files into ones
containing hiragana, katakana and/or romaji.

Hiragana and katakana are Japanese writing systems. If you do not know
about these Japanese scripts, NihonGO! is probably not of much use to
you. If you do know about such things then NihonGO! simplifies the
process of getting Japanese onto your computer under non-Japanese systems.

NihonGO! comes with full documentation.

NihonGO! v2.0
(C) 1997 by James Devenish