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GST-SmartClip Ÿ.sit (gst-smartclip.hqx)

Download gst-smartclip.hqx (76,180 KB)

Subject: GST-SmartClip Ÿ.sit

SmartClip a very small app that will do case conversion off of the
clipboard and return the converted text to the clipboard. This gives you
case conversion everywhere you can copy and paste. The conversions are
very smart, using the same logic used by my Torquemada the Inquisitor.
We don't clobber or (or anything within angle

Included in the archive is a set of QuickKeys shortcuts called
"SmartClip Universal Shortcuts". These give you instant access to
SmartClip from any application.

SmartClip is AppleEvent-aware, so you should be able to AppleScript
to it, should you want to.