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Filip's Word Macros 1.6 (filips-word-macros-16.hqx)

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Subject: Filip's Word Macros 1.6

Filip's Word Macros 1.6 is a collection of Word macros, adding
functions to Microsoft Word 6.0. Includes HTMLmaker, which converts your
documents to html.

New in 1.6
€ SaveAndCount: displays number of characters as you save a document.
As in the old 5.1.
€ CountAllOpenDocs: gathers the length of all open docs and presents
them in i new window.
€ PreviewWithBrowser: lets you preview the open HTML-document in the
browser you prefere.

Also, Quoter, and other macros, has been improved.

There were a misconfiguration of Word's menus in previous versions. This
should not be the case any more.

Bo Filip Svernström