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YP Circulaire 1.0.2 (physics simulation software, french version) (yp-circulaire-102-fr.hqx)

Download yp-circulaire-102-fr.hqx (267,979 KB)

From: Yves Pelletier
Subject: YP Circulaire 1.0.2 (physics simulation software, french version)

This is the french version of YP Circular.

YP Circular is a physics simulation program for the Macintosh. It
simulates an object in uniform circular motion and/or an object in simple
harmonic motion. Both motions (circular and harmonic) may be animated
simultaneously to show that the uniform circular motion is a combination of
two simple harmonic motions. Physics teachers use YP Circular to show that
the velocity is tangent to the circle and that the centripetal acceleration
is directed toward the center of the circle, in a uniform circular motion.
Physics students using YP Circular should get a better understanding of the
meaning of the following concepts: vector, component of a vector,
position, velocity, acceleration.

New in this version: Revised documentation and some minor aesthetic changes
(new Finder icon, etc.).
Yves Pelletier

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