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Contours (contours-ppc-10.hqx)

Download contours-ppc-10.hqx (237,205 KB)

Subject: Contours

What is Contours?

Contours is a program for the Macintosh which is designed to aid the 3D
hobbyist or professional. It allows one to mathematically create bitmaps
that can be used as 2D maps in a wide variety of 3D applications.

Contours creates a contour plot of a 3D mathematical function which is of
the form z = f(x,y). Each pixel in the image will be mapped to an (x,y)
coordinate pair, a value for z will be calculated, and a color will be
assigned to the resulting z value for that pixel. The color of a pixel is
determined by mapping the resulting z value to a color which is between the
color chosen to represent z min, and the color chosen to represent z max.
This allows the precise creation of 2D maps which can then be used other
apps. The images can be saved as PICT files, or as numbered PICT for

The user can input a function as a string in algebraic infix form to be
plotted which uses any of the following operators:
addition: +
subraction: -
multiplication: *
division: /
exponentiation: ^
square root: sqrt()
trig functions: sin(), cos(), tan(), asin(), acos(), atan(),
Hyperbolic: sinh(), cosh(), tanh()
absolute value: abs()
Round down: floor()
Round up: ciel()
Randon value: rand()
Logarithmic: log(), log10(), exp()

- PowerPC Processor with FPU (or software FPU)
- 1 Meg of free memory

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