Info-Mac Archive Downloads: nwt/dev/ Development
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10 files
Show all abstracts inline (can get big for really old Macs)
- HelpURL 1.0 (add URLs to about box) (help-url-10.hqx)
- Newton HI Toolkit (hi-toolkit-10.hqx)
- Newt 3.3 (develop Newton apps) (newt-33.hqx)
- Newt 3.4 (Newton development) [newt-devenv-34.sit] (newt-devenv-34.hqx)
- NewATut 1.6 -- updated [newtatut-book-16 (newtatut-book-16.hqx)
- Newt's Cape 1.4 (browse web, create books) (newtscape-14.hqx)
- Newt's Cape 1.4 docs (book format) (newtscape-books-14.hqx)
- NewtTurT 1.6 -- updated [newtturt-book-16.sit.hqx] (newtturt-book-16.hqx)
- Ruler 1.3.5 (Newton utility) (ruler-135.hqx)
- Slurpee 2.0 (text/data Newton/desktop transfer) (slurpee-20.hqx)