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Cut/Offs 1.1.1, a Kaleidoscope color scheme (cut-offs-111.hqx)

Download cut-offs-111.hqx (107,467 KB)

From: Steve Sulzer
Subject: Cut/Offs 1.1.1, a Kaleidoscope color scheme

Cut/Offs for Kaleidoscope 2.1 and up is a silver and blue textured scheme
where at least every other corner has been cut off or rounded in one way or
another. It works best at a monitor depth of thousands of colors or more.
The sides and bottoms of the windows, utility windows, dialogues and alerts
are a little fatter than standard ones, making them appear more rounded.
Cut/Offs uses custom colors, shading (integrated into the bottom and right
sides keeping them the same width as the left) and textured patterns for a
unique appearance. This version features several minor improvements.