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the FC3 Icon Museum (the-fc3-icons-museum-10.hqx)

Download the-fc3-icons-museum-10.hqx (199,085 KB)

Subject: the FC3 Icon Museum

The French Computers, Consoles & Cartridges icons' Museum.

This icon collection is the first release of a collection of icons for
various computers, consoles, and cartridges. It is a compilation of two
collections; one by MacFada and the other by
Nonoche . Comments are welcome.

The aim was to represent some old C3 (Computers, consoles, and
cartridges) as icons, as a museum of a kind. The fact that there are
similar "museums" on the web with pictures and technical details were an
inspiration in the design of these icons. I personally enjoyed making
these icons because it helped me to rediscover some old computers and
consoles which I had long

Therefore I decided to make these icons - including:
- Cartridges which I own (mainly from my SNES)
- Computers & Consoles - mainly from the 70's and 80's.

There are over 100 icons, and some of them are unfinished. They did,
however, seem to fill a gap - and they certainly pleased me. Most of you
will recognise some of Nonoche's icons - which are used in some famous
Macintosh emulators.

I hope you will enjoy them.

MacFada, the 25th of June 1998

These icons are free. (C3 means in franglais "C'est free" = "it's free"

You can distribute them as you wish, provided they are kept together
with this read me file and are not modified and kept free. You should
however ask the author's permission if you want to include them in a
program of any kind.