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Icons ET (icons-et.hqx)

Download icons-et.hqx (35,000 KB)

Subject: Icons ET

With my upgrade to OS 8, some of my old custom icons now look kinda flat
next to their OS 8 brethren, so I went on a search to replace them.
However, I discovered there aren't any nice icons out there for the usual
games, internet, sound, programming, word processing, utilities, graphics,
or claris folders, so I created my own. Since I figured most other people
have at least a subset of these program divisions, I decided to submit them
to Info-Mac since they are of rather high quality, yet still nondistracting.

The small insets on these icons come from various sources, so I lay no
claim on them. Contact me for a list of sources. (In general, Aldus,
Apple, Claris)

I give permission for this package to be distributed in any way, as long as
the distributer is not making any profit off of it, and as long as I am
given credit for this application. Contact me for permission otherwise.