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IconDropper - Version 3.2.2 - October 1999 (icon-dropper-ppc-322.hqx)

Download icon-dropper-ppc-322.hqx (1,553,110 KB)

From: Craig Hockenberry
Subject: IconDropper - Version 3.2.2 - October 1999

IconDropper allows users to customize their Mac's icons on-the-fly through
the use of Drag-n-Drop technology. Instead of having to copy and paste
custom icons from tons of folders on your hard drive, IconDropper stores all
icons in custom designed sets called "packs". A single click is required to
update any folder's icon and see the results in real time. IconDropper (and
its sister apps, IconPacker and IconDragger) let the user design and embed
custom banners and background colors into the packs when saved. Packs can
then be e-mailed to friends or distributed on the Internet. For more
information about this exciting new piece of Macintosh shareware, or to
download some cool looking icon packs, please visit us at:

Release 3.2.2 of IconDropper includes support for 32-bit custom icons in Mac
OS 8.5 and later, while still being compatible with older versions of the
OS. There are also many user interface updates and a bug fix for users on
Mac OS 9.

We've also updated our web site with 32-bit icons, so please drop by
for a look.

IconDropper is available from Info-Mac as:

icondropper-322.hqx (larger file compatible with Mac OS 7.5 and up)
icondropper-ppc-322.hqx (smaller file for Mac OS 8.5 and later only)