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MidiKit 2.7.1 FAT (midi-kit-271.hqx)

Download midi-kit-271.hqx (335,902 KB)

From: "Bruno Di Gleria"
Subject: MidiKit 2.7.1 FAT

MidiKit 2.7.1 FAT (c)1994-2000, Bruno Di Gleria
Via Basaldella, 10
33100 UDINE

MidiKit is a MIDI file utility program. It allows you to quickly modify
the midi file format, type, creator and more, processing entire disks at a
time. It has a complete online documentation you can access selecting the
"About Midikit" item in the apple menu. It is fully compatible with MacOS

Changes since version 2.7 :

*The Kagi "Register" program is now included.
*The "Copy Tempo to Track 0" batch command now adds time signature
information if needed.
*Minor bug fixes.

System requirements:
MidiKit is FAT (68K e PPC native), and supports Drag & Drop. It works on
all Macs from Macintosh Plus and requires MacOS version 6.07 or greater. It
is fully compatible with MacOS 8.6.