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From: Marco Tenuti
Subject: PowerToto Demo 2.0.2 ENG
What is PowerToto?
PowerToto is the first complete suite to build and analyze systems
for soccer based games and lottery games for MacOS and MacOS X. You
may deploy your best strategies to test it again the historical
archives. It lets you create system for:
- Totocalcio, Totogol, Totosei (Italy)
- SuperEnalotto, Lotto (Italy)
- LotoFoot Matches Simple, Loto Simple (France)
- Toto-R, Toto-X, Swiss Lotto (Switzerland)
- Osterreichischen Toto, Lotto, ZahlenLotto (Austria)
The biggest strength of PowerToto is its speed: it can generate and constraint
systems in real time and it is even able to reduce systems in few seconds with
fastest PowerMacintosh computers. It sports:
- several constraint methods
- system reductions
- import and export facilities
- boolean operations between systems
- different views of systems (combinations view, system summary, constraint
icons, grouped view)
- groupings of columns
- advanced versatility of dialogs
- supported Drag and drop
- Italian Lotto's Archive
- Inspector floating window
- reads files from TotoTurbo, Silvergol, and Lingotto
- multithreaded application based on Thread Manager
- download of archives through TCP/IP
PowerToto 2.0.2 system requirements:
- MacOS 8.6
- CarbonLib 1.1
- Memory: 4 MB available for PowerToto (more is better)
- PowerPC processor
- 12 MB hard disk free
What's new in this release?
- some bugs fixed