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Anonymous(tm) 1.2.1 (anonymous-121.hqx)

Download anonymous-121.hqx (17,000 KB)

Subject: Anonymous(tm) 1.2.1

Have you ever wondered what your font is missing? Line feeds, the Apple
characters like the Apple symbol and many more appear as blank boxes in lots of
fonts. Almost all of the Macintosh characters, including decimal 1-24 and
218-255, and many not in ProFont, are now visible in Anonymous(tm).

Anonymous is a nonproportional or monospaced 9 point bitmap font designed for
programming, and for distinguishing between characters that can easily be
confused in the Macintosh reserved ROM font Monaco 9. For example, in the Monaco
9 bitmap, an uppercase O looks like a zero, and a lowercase L looks like an
uppercase i. Anonymous has a beautiful overall color when set into text, and is
easy to read in long stretches. The font's name begins with A for easy access in
font menus.

Bitmap only, not for printing. Recommended for those who are looking for a
monospaced serif font and have found Monaco, ProFont and Courier wanting, and for
those who spend a lot of time typing and reading on a monitor.

New in 1.2.1: An email address change.

Susan G. Lesch

David B. Lamkins