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EXAM w HELP 2.0 (update) (exam-w-help-20.hqx)

Download exam-w-help-20.hqx (2,239,901 KB)

From: Shapira
Subject: EXAM w HELP 2.0 (update)

Educational test making computer software program demo from DORAY
MEDIA. Teachers, now you can create your own computerized multiple
choice tests in hypercard on your mac. Your choice of many colors for
cards, color pictures and movies and much more. Works with any 2.x
version of hypercard on any Mac. EXAM w HELP 2.0 gives students
practice taking exams with help getting the correct answers. Three
sample exams and help stacks included. EXAM w HELP 2.0 functions in
programmed learning and in questions with large readings. Atlanta
Symbol Font, a great font for HyperCard, provided free.

Keywords: educational tool, test making, hypercard program, exam with
help, automated scripts, color, grading, programmed learning, Atlanta
Symbol Font

Automated scripts and documentation for exam and help stacks preparation
not included in demo. EXAMINATION, a program for giving actual graded
exams is not included. HyperCard must have 3 MB memory allocation for
this program.

Raymond Shapira