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Thread Manager Utility source code (stus-thread-utilities-c.hqx)

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From: Stuart Cheshire
Subject: Thread Manager Utility source code
Date: Sat, 19 Mar 1994 17:33:35 -0800

// StuUsThreadUtils
// (C) 6th March 1994 Stuart Cheshire

StuUsThreadUtils is an ongoing development to make useful ThreadManager
routines available to the public.

I wrote it because Apple's Thread Manager is a great step forward to
helping more developers create multi-threaded applications, with all
the benefits that can bring to us end-users, so I'm very happy about it.

However, the facilities provided by Apple's Thread Manager are very raw
and minimal, and the supplimentary routines provided in Apple's ThreadUtils
leave much to be desired, and are more likely to put people off thread
programming than encourage them.

Because of this, I wrote my own ThreadUtils. They are simple, elegant,
and efficient, and should make people's lives much easier when they are
trying to write threaded code.

There are three files in this package (so far):

// ThreadSynch.c/h
// This file defines thread synchronization primitives:
// Semaphores, Mutual exclusion locks, and Condition variables.

// Pipeline.c/h
// An example of a library using mutual exclusion locks, and condition
// variables to implement a producers/consumers pipeline

// test.c
// Example code to use the above files.

Stuart Cheshire
* Stanford Distributed Systems Group Research Assistant
* Escondido Village Resident Computer Coordinator
* Macintosh Programmer