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CopyPaste Tools Sourcecode 1.1 (copy-paste-tools-11-p.hqx)

Download copy-paste-tools-11-p.hqx (169,944 KB)

From: (Julian Miller)
Subject: CopyPaste Tools Sourcecode 1.1

These source code examples are for creating CopyPaste Tools. CopyPaste is
an extension that can be found on shareware sites on the net. CopyPaste
adds more clipboards and clipboard tools to the Mac. CopyPaste Tools are
actually FKey coderesources created with MCW or any language. These
Fkey/code resources are what we use in CopyPaste as tools to work on the
clipboard contents. Now you can use these examples to make new tools and
install them in CopyPaste. Add new abilities to the Mac with CopyPaste
and tools that you create. We would enjoy seeing your creations. Feel
free to send them to one of us so we can add them to this library of FKey
source code examples and perhaps include some of them in the next version
of CopyPaste.

Place clipboard text or picture processing at users fingertips.

-\/ Julian Miller
-/\ Script Software International
-\/ (916) 546-9005 Voice
-/\ Programming, Consulting & Web Work

Check out our popular shareware clipboard utilitly CopyPaste at
choosen by MacUser as the utility of the year 1996
also see the MacWeek article about CopyPaste at