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Traverse Eudora Mailfolder Tree in AppleScript (traverse-eudora-folder-as.hqx)

Download traverse-eudora-folder-as.hqx (5,410 KB)

Subject: Traverse Eudora Mailfolder Tree in AppleScript

This script contains a handler to traverse the entire Eudora mailfolder
tree and build a corresponding hierarchic structure in AppleScript in the
course of doing so.

Unfortunately scripting support of Eudora is only rudimentary. Eudora does
not understand "every" and "whose" which makes it necessary to read complex
structures one by one from Eudora.

It is obviously possible to do the same thing faster by reading Eudora's
mail folders from disk, but that would make your script vulnerable to
incompatibility when Qualcomm decides to change the underlying data
structure, which they have already done once in the past. Also, Eudora
V4.2 supports remote IMAP mailboxes residing on a mail server rather than
on your local disk. These folders can only be parsed using Eudora as means
of getting the data rather than bypassing it.

The script is commented in detail and it can provide a base for an
extensible script object. It can also serve as a base to derive a script
that performs the same task for Eudora's nickname tree.

Use and distribute freely in any non-profit context.
