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PresentationLib; shared library for graphics... (presentation-lib.hqx)

Download presentation-lib.hqx (10,278 KB)

Date: Mon, 17 Apr 1995 04:02:02 -0500 (EST)
From: "Chris Thomas, ICONtact Developer Database Librarian"
Subject: PresentationLib; shared library for graphics...

Copyright 1995 Chris K. Thomas. All Rights Reserved.
I'm at

PresentationLib is a library (shared on PowerMac, Metrowerks 68k on
SlowerMac) which handles two functions commonly needed by graphics
utilities and games: Switching the screen depth and controlling the
visibility of the menu bar. Apple decided to make this much harder than
it needs to be, causing many application developers to write bad
implementations of the same code over and over again, hence

The *unmodified* shared library and 68k version of PresentationLib may
be distributed free of charge to end users, but must be accompanied by
your product.