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Road Runner v1.0.0/Jikes v1.10.1 (road-runner-10.hqx)

Download road-runner-10.hqx (2,548,822 KB)

From: Clemens Wagner
Subject: Road Runner v1.0.0/Jikes v1.10.1

Road Runner v1.0.0/Jikes v1.10.1: A Java IDE for the Macintosh.

Author: Clemens Wagner,
License: IBM parts see,
Macintosh specific parts are under GPL (Free Software Foundation)
The top comment of a source file determines the valid license model. If no
license comment is given in a file only rules which don't hurt the IBM
license model are valid for this file.

Specific Macintosh Features:
+ OpenSource: the Macintosh specific part in the subdirectories 'mac' and
'examples' is under GPL (please read also license.htm and README for IBM
+ Fully integrated into MacOS, use of dialogs and windows instead of command
line arguments
+ Appearance compatible dialogs
+ Project files allow saving of application projects
+ the application may be controlled by AppleScript
+ full support of AppleScript recording

New features in (v 1.0.0/1.10.1)
+ Multiple projects per session
+ Better AppleScript support (e.g. classes for projects, setting application
properties instead of execution special statements (like 'set classpath'))
+ free choice of external editor
+ Byte-code execution from Jikes directly (Applications only)

- Carbon compatibility
- AppleGuide and Ballon help support
- Better MacOS integration (e.g. drag'n drop)
- Byte-code execution from Jikes directly (Applets)
- more Examples and testing...