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source/pascal/chat-110.hqx (chat-11-pas.hqx)

Download chat-11-pas.hqx (51,744 KB)

Date: Sat, 12 Dec 1992 12:00:45 +0800
From: Peter N Lewis
Subject: source/pascal/chat-110.hqx

This is the pascal source for Chat 1.1.0, a background only application
that lets Macs with MacTCP 1.1 serve as a very primitive IRC.

The source is very simple, only around 500 lines, and could be used
as example code if you wanted to write your own MacTCP server.

Chat is free and should run under System 6 or 7, and requires
MacTCP 1.1 or later.

Hope its useful,

Chat 1.1.0 Copyright 1992, Peter N Lewis