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ic-prog-kit-14 (ic-prog-kit-14.hqx)

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Subject: ic-prog-kit-14

Internet Config is an application that allows you to set Internet
preferences in one place and have them read my any other "IC aware"
application. Internet Config is supported by many Mac OS Internet
applications, including NewsWatcher, Anarchie, Fetch, and Internet

It is my pleasure to announce the release of Internet Config 1.4. This
version has a few new features but, more importantly, it offers significant
reliability improvements over previous versions. Specific enhancements

o The IC application now supports "Get URL" AppleEvents, routing them to
the appropriate helper application.

o The extension now holds the default preferences, so you get default
preferences regardless of which application first uses IC.

o The extension now sanity checks preference files before opening them. It
also keeps a copy of the most recent preferences in the data fork of the
preference file, so it can revert to that backup.

Attached are three archives:

1. InternetConfig1.4.sit -- The standard user distribution.
2. ICProgKit1.4.sit -- The SDK for developers.
3. ICAppSourceKit1.4.sit -- The source code for the IC application.

In addition, the documentation and FAQ are available online:

Share and Enjoy.

Peter N Lewis
Quinn "The Eskimo!"

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Late Night Silly Software