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SitC Lister 2.1 (sitc-lister-21.hqx)

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Date: Wed, 10 Aug 1994 09:02:54 -0400 (EDT)
From: Paul Lemieux
Subject: SitC Lister 2.1

SitC Lister 2.1 is a utility for TeleFinder, FirstClass, and NovaLink
Professional Sysops that will generate file lists with descriptions by
extracting the SitC=0 resource from the individual files. Tabby and
MacKennel compatible. Requires System 7. Shareware $25. Version 2.1 adds
the ability to create tab-delimited listings of the files and to disable the
recursive directory searching.
Paul M. Lemieux, PhD | "That is not dead which can eternal
U.S. EPA | lie; and with strange aeons, even | death may die." - H.P. Lovecraft

Enclosure: SitC Lister 21.sit [78,588 bytes]