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hermes-ii-merchant-050b1.sit.hqx (hermes-merchant-050b1.hqx)

Download hermes-merchant-050b1.hqx (166,191 KB)

From: (Michael Krause)
Subject: hermes-ii-merchant-050b1.sit.hqx
Date: Tue, 12 Apr 94 23:58 EDT

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Merchant! v0.50b1 was finally released by Delphic Software.

All registered users who wish to have their free upgrades should contact
Michael Marshburn of Delphic Software either at:

PUMA BBS - Aeolus/Delphic Software Support BBS - (909) 792-4902
<2 lines, both at 14.4 - Automatic Rollover>


He will check his records and follow "any procedure he wishes."

On to *my* review of the wonderful new upgrade:

Seems bugless, unlike previous versions of the external, much
faster, more efficient, and generally "worth buying." Previous versions
were plagued with mass amounts of bugs, inefficiencies, etc. This great
external is definitely worth checking out. Lots of fun with the TW-2002

Price was bumped back up to $20. Oh well. :)

Please place this in the /comm/ hierarchy. If possible, throw in a
comm/hermes directory for all appropriate Hermes files. Thank you very

% Michael Krause
% SysOp: Exchange / 216-261-9911 / 14.4 access

Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="Merchant!0.50b1.sit"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Merchant!0.50b1.sit"