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Wapp pro 2.5 (wapp-pro-25.hqx)

Download wapp-pro-25.hqx (208,213 KB)

From: Jerome Foucher
Subject: Wapp pro 2.5

Wapp pro is the ultimate windows/applications switcher.

It displays a menu that lists the windows of the frontmost applications,
the background applications and their rescpective windows in submenus.
You can activate any window, even it's hidden by several other windows,
or if the process is hidden. Finder windows display their content in
submenus up to 5 levels.

But that's not all : Wapp pro is more than a simple windows switcher. It
lets you quit, or hide any application, quit all the applications, or
hide them all. You can also exclude some applications from being quitted
or hidden by these commands, like for example SpeedDoubler that you
don't want to quit, or QuickTime player that you don't want to hide...

Wapp pro lets you also navigate through the windows of the front process
by keyboard shortcuts. You can exchange the 2 frontmost windows, send
the frontmost window to the back, or bring the last window to the front.
It also lets you cycle through the applications list.

Wapp pro enhances the Navigation Services dialogs. It brings the Click
There It Is concept to the Navigation Services open/save dialogs.
Clicking with some modifier keys in a Finder window will display its
content in the open/save dialog. If a Finder window is hidden you can
also use the menu Wapp pro adds when a Navigation Services open/save
dialog is front.

Minimum requirements :
Mac OS 8.5 and PPC

Price : $10

New to this version (2.5):
Wapp pro failed to load at startup if its preferences were corrupted or
too old (before version 1.5). Fixed.
Wapp pro sometimes failed to save the preferences. Fixed.
Wapp pro could loose your registration. Fixed. Maybe you'll have to
enter it again. Sorry.