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Irish Accessories (irish-accessories.hqx)

Download irish-accessories.hqx (596,738 KB)

Subject: Irish Accessories

Net friends, here's an updated version of Install Irish Accessories,
compatible with Mac OS 7 through 8.5.

Irish Accessories provides
* An Irish Keyboard mapping for easy keyboard access to
accented vowels (fadas),
* Irish language Date, Time and Currency resources to enable the Mac
to generate Irish dates, times and currency layouts automatically,
* Enhanced bit-mapped versions of popular Mac fonts, providing fadas on all
vowels (needed up to Mac OS 8.5).

Irish Accessories is suitable for any English-language Macintosh, including
US, Australian and British Macintoshes and is compatible with all the
English language features of your Mac. The accessories provide extra
features for your English language Mac, and don't remove or replace and
pre-existing features. In addition, all the accessories may be enabled or
disabled at will.

Irish Accessories is shareware and may be included on CD-ROMS provided that
it is included in Installer form only.
