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FixWindowDrag - Japanese Version (fix-window-drag-10-jp.hqx)

Download fix-window-drag-10-jp.hqx (10,790 KB)

Subject: FixWindowDrag - Japanese Version

FixWindowDrag - appearance added the ability to drag windows by anywhere on the border. I didn't like it, since I was continually aiming for the scroll-bar and accidentally moving the window instead. So I fixed it by writing FixWindowDrag.
With this extension installed, you can only drag windows by the title bar, just the way it's supposed to work. If you really need to drag using the borders, you can hold down the option-key and it works (as long as you don't miss and hide the application).
Written (in entirety) the waking period of 18. June, 1998 at MacHack 13.
Finally cleaned up and released to the general public. This is the Japanese version.