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Custom Launcher 1.0 FAT - Create your own launchers (custom-launcher-10.hqx)

Download custom-launcher-10.hqx (274,345 KB)

Subject: Custom Launcher 1.0 FAT - Create your own launchers

Program: Custom Launcher 1.0 FAT
Author: Alessandro Levi Montalcini
Price: $50 for authors, free for end users

The Custom Launcher is a simple launching utility that can be
easily modified with ResEdit to incorporate your own settings,
graphics and sounds. It can be customized to launch
applications, open documents and folders, or handle URLs - all
with a single click or keystroke. You can build your own cool
interface to frequently used items and share it with your
friends, create a custom version to use as the main entry point
for a commercial CD-ROM, or modify the basic interface to do
whatever else you feel like doing.

This package also includes my Transparentify PICTs utility,
which can be used to remove the background from one or more
images stored as PICT files, PICT resources or PICT data in
the clipboard.