Download cm-tools-30.hqx (198,772 KB)
Subject: CMTools 3.0
CMTools is a plug-in that extends the Contextual Menu of Mac OS 8. In
programs that support the Contextual Menu, such as the Finder, it provides
the following functions:
- Launch for applications, files and folders
- Create aliases directly in your preferred folders.
- Decompress files.
- Compress any items (documents, folders, applications, etc...).
- Copy files and folders.
- Move files and folders.
- Change the creator and type codes of files.
- Lock/Unlock files.
- Open files directly with your preferred applications.
- Access the Application Menu via the Contextual Menu
You organize the menus as it suits you, by creating and organizing files
and aliases in a special folder in the Finder.
New features and improvements:
An installer and helper application.
Ability to toggle the following features:
- rebuilding menus automatically
- displaying select applications in Open using menu
- appending running applications to the Open using menu
- displaying background-only applications
Applications are sorted alphabetically in the Applications menu
Lock/Unlock files
Eric de la Musse
Author of CMTools