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AutoBoot 1.6.5 (autoboot-165.hqx)

Download autoboot-165.hqx (121,263 KB)

From: Karl Pottie
Subject: AutoBoot 1.6.5

AutoBoot version 1.6.5

Do you run a web/file/database server or any other kind of Macintosh
server ? Do you use a remote access package (Timbuktu, ARA, ...) or
do you use your Mac for receiving faxes ? Do you depend on your Mac
being up and running all the time ? Unfortunately, Macintosh
software is not always as reliable as we'd like it to be. Crashes and
system freezes can frustrate you at best or make you lose a lot of
business at worst.

Have a look at AutoBoot. AutoBoot is a Control Panel that restarts
your Macintosh when it crashes or freezes, ensuring that your server
is always up and running. Many AutoBoot users can testify: AutoBoot
is a real lifesaver. No Mac server should be without it !

Version 1.6.5 changes:
-fixes a conflict between AutoBoot and MacOS File Sharing
-includes many documentation changes.

AutoBoot is $22 shareware

Karl Pottie
E-mail: or
The AutoBoot web pages: