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AliasCrony 2.1.1; Alias management. (alias-crony-211.hqx)

Download alias-crony-211.hqx (128,310 KB)

Subject: AliasCrony 2.1.1; Alias management.

AliasCrony is the ultimate alias manager. It has several features:
- Since aliases of applications lose the capability to have files dropped
on, when the original is on a different volume, AliasCrony can create
SuperAlias, a new alias kind, having drag capability always active.
- It can create aliases or SuperAliases and put them into specific
predefined folders, when you're using the Drag&Drop mode. From its menus,
instead, you can select the destination folders by using a speedy way.
- It can update aliases (also as SuperAliases) on the fly or else through
its menus.
- It can add, to aliases, some useful custom icon, freeing a bit of space
on desktop (as before: you can add the custom icon on the fly or else by
using the proper menu).
-You may configure any action of above through preferences and change them
with one keystroke before creating aliases or SuperAliases .
- It can scan all on-line volumes to create lists of:
a) attached aliases,
b) unattached aliases,
c) aliases and originals on different volumes.
-It can scan also individual folders-disks.
The created lists return useful infos about the aliases found, moreover,
from these lists, AliasCrony can do several actions:
a) retrieves and shows aliases and originals.
b) links/updates/deletes/moves aliases.
c) shows the Finder's Info window, about aliases and originals.
d) updates aliases of applications to SuperAliases.
e) trashs the whole aliases list.

AliasCrony is Internet Config aware, Appearance Savvy and requires at least
System Seven to run.

Author: Rocco Moliterno

New since version 2.1.0
Removed a bug causing, sometimes on 68K, the unexpected closing of
AliasCrony. Replaced, on 68k code, SpinCursor with WatchCursor to avoid
trouble with the most recent development libraries for 68k, who support
badly this feature. Better support of Appearance Manager in ModalDialog
filters. New trial time term. Adresses update. Minor changes.