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RandomPassword 1.2 (random-password-12.hqx)

Download random-password-12.hqx (123,300 KB)

From: "David C. Oshel"
Subject: RandomPassword 1.2

1.2 December 8, 1999 - Bug fix, alert position on main screen not set.
1.1 December 4, 1999 - Added BNDL, not released.
1.0 December 1, 1999 - first version to InfoMac.

It's hard to think up a password. Here's a random password generator based
on the old diceware idea, but I use a PRNG to pick out candidates from the
vocabulary list.

Using dice to select one of 7776 words is perfectly random, but awfully

This method gives you an instant password that looks exactly like you used
diceware, with essentially the same level of "random"-ness.

The program asks you to select a file using Standard Get File. Choose a
file at least 64 megabytes in length, with randomized content. For
example, a large encrypted Stuffit archive, or a large PGP Disk volume.
Internally, both of these kinds of files look random -- in fact, they can't
be compressed, usually a great indicator that their bit patterns are
unavailable for analysis.

The file is used to initialize a small additive congruential generator (see
Knuth), which is used to select five words from Beale's vocabulary, the
alternative list distributed at

The program shows you the password in an Alert (speaking it aloud if you've
allowed OS 8.5 to speak), and also puts it in the clipboard for you to
paste into another application.

Notice the kicker? The file you select as an entropy source can be on a
CD-ROM, offline. And the "entropy" of its bit pattern depends on the
random contents of whatever you've been shoving into the underlying archive
for the past year or so. A fine kettle of fish!

Source is included, support is not. Enjoy.

David C. Oshel
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52403
1 December 1999