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[*] mac-monitor-config.hqx (Macintosh Monitor and Video Matrix) (mac-video-chart.hqx)

Download mac-video-chart.hqx (5,122 KB)

Date: 10 May 1993 09:32:37 -0500 (CDT)
From: "Michael W. Wheeler"
Subject: [*] mac-monitor-config.hqx (Macintosh Monitor and Video Matrix)

This is a Macintosh monitor and video matrix chart. The information given
was taken from a document supplied by Apple Computer Inc. to our local
users group. It is very detailed and is extremely handy to have around. It
lists the various Macintosh models and video configurations and what bit
depth/number of grays or colors possible for each Mac model and each
Monitor. It also lists dot pitch, resolution, power specs, refresh rate and
other tech goodies, including the part number.

Enjoy! MacWrite II document compress with Compact Pro. There is a lot of
info so it has to be printed out in landscape orientation on US Legal size
paper. It must be printed in a nonproportionally spaced font to be
readable. The document is currently formatted for 8pt Monoco.

Michael W. Wheeler (Bitnet: mww@tntech) (Internet:
VAX/VMS Systems Support, Tennessee Technological University