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alt.CyberDrive (alt-cyber-drive.hqx)

Download alt-cyber-drive.hqx (22,480 KB)

Subject: alt.CyberDrive

If you don't know what the BMW CyberDrive promotion is, this file will
do you no good and you may skip to the next message.

This is an alternate opening HTML page for the BMW CyberDrive promotion
made primarily for Mac MS Internet Explorer users who are unable to
access the CyberDrive CD-ROM while online.

It contains links to all the viewable QuickTime and QuickTimeVR movies
hidden on the CyberDrive CD-ROM so you can access them at full speed
whether online or offline. It opens the CyberDrive web site in a
separate browser window so that the movies can be "sort of" integrated
into the total presentation. (I left off a few movies that were not
browser viewable, but have included a text listing of the CD's catalog
if you want to try to extract them.)

I slapped this page together without the knowledge or consent of BMW or
anyone else. It's OK with me to include it in the Info-Mac CD, but be
aware that the CyberDrive promotion ends in July 1997. Enjoy.

Chris Schram -- --