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D.I.S.G.E. 1.0 (disge-10.hqx)

Download disge-10.hqx (131,506 KB)

Subject: D.I.S.G.E. 1.0

The file being submitted is the Damage Incorporated Saved Game Editor
(D.I.S.G.E.) a "cheater" program for the Mac game Damage Incorproated,
which allows players to edit their saved games, increasing their weaponry,
health, and other attributes as they see fit.

System Requirements:

- Anyone who can run the game Damage Incorporated can use this cheater.
The program will be useless for those who don't own the game.

For more information check out the Damage Incorporated web page at

The proper location for the file would seem to be in the /game/com section
of Info-Mac.

Permission is granted to include this demo version on the Info-Mac CD-ROM,
or anywhere else for that matter.

-Richard Rouse