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Download risk-ii.hqx (117,630 KB)

From: wiromero@NMSU.Edu
Date: Wed, 16 Dec 92 10:05:36 MST

Dear Moderator,

This is a repost of a recent submission of the file Risk_II.sit.hqx.
Please submit this into your info-mac/game directory this last time.
This is a colorized version (modified using ResEdit) of the old
black/white Risk! This makes excellent use of the 256-color
mode of any color Macintosh with a color display. This has been
corrected of a minor flaw where the OK button in the victory
dialog window did not work. It now works. The color background
was modified slightly for better display on black/white Macs, as
well as the Risk! card backface. This game still works on the old
black/white Macs, since the modifications are only resources, that
is, the actual game code is still original and unchanged in this
colorized version. Therefore, this is not an unauthorized "hack".
It should be noted that though this game does not explicitly
announce anywhere within itself whether or not it is either share-
ware or freeware, one can assume freeware since it has been
available for downloading on ftp sites for quite some time now.
Hence all credit (c) rightfully belongs to the author of the game:

Antonie J. Engel
60 Pinewood Rd.
Bolton, MA 01740

Since this game now works for both black/white and color Macs,
it is certainly worth it to download. Enjoy!

A note to the moderators: I had a friend submit this game
on her own account about 4 days ago in the process of
showing her how to find the submissions addresses of
some of the sites, and how to submit the files for archiving,
but this time I am just doing it myself, so as not to involve
her a second time.