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[*] KnightEdit 1.5.2 (knight-edit-152.hqx)

Download knight-edit-152.hqx (78,747 KB)

Date: Sat, 24 Oct 1992 16:47:58 -0600
From: elpeters@lamar.ColoState.EDU (Eric Peters)
Subject: [*] KnightEdit 1.5.2

Hello, All:

Here is the newest version (1.5.2) of KnightEdit, a chess-notation editing
program. Some have called KnightEdit a game recorder. It reads and writes long
algebraic chess notation to and from text files. It animates the moves from a
text file onto a graphic chess board. After the chess move is made, post the
text file either on a communication network or on an office environment network,
or simply print out a text file and mail it to a friend.

Note that KnightEdit IS NOT a computer chess game.
Try the program for 15 days. If you continue using it, pay the shareware fee; otherwise, destroy your copy or give it to a friend for a 15 day trial.

Mail a $10.00 registration fee to:

Carpenter Software
KnightEdit v1.5.2
PO Box 80743
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87198-0743

Commercial distribution of KnightEdit v1.5 or higher requires a license from
author and a registration fee. KnightEdit program is a property of Jesse
¥ Special features include:
¥ KnightEdit writes and reads long algebraic chess notation to and from text

¥ You can move the chess pieces on the chess board with the mouse. At the bottom
of the chess board when selected or active, the next turn number with the
appropriate chess piece is shown followed by the board coordinate of the
position of the mouse hand.

¥ The smart chess board or (AI) allows only a one move turn and only to the the
appropriate space. The smart chess board allows castling, in passing, pawn
exchanging, and error checking when reading text. Also smart chess determines a
check. If there is a checkmate or stalemate, the king cannot move.

¥ Animate under the Chess Moves Menu allows KnightEdit to animate the moves that
are listed on the text file. If it is desired for any reason to discontinue
animation, simply hold down the mouse button until the animation stops.

¥ Select Study under the Chess Moves Menu to review all chess moves without altering any text moves. It has a forward and reverse button, and a set and last move button. A quick way to study a game.

¥ Select Write under the Chess Moves Menu to Re-Write chess moves onto the text file. This option is good to use for rewriting incoming text file from others sources so chess notation is rewritten for KnightEdit compatibility. Also can write short algebraic chess notation by selecting the option in the preference dialog.

¥ Preference under the Option Menu allows you to save choice of chess piece,
orientation of board, and other options to a preference file. Thus upon starting
KnightEdit program, these option are set to New Files and to Text files. Also if
NOT using for Text Only in preference, options are saved to the text-style file.
The text-style file will set options upon opening, it has precedence over the
preference file.

¥ There is a print capability. If the text edit window is active while selecting print under the File menu, it will print WYSIWYG. ALSO if the chess board window is active, it will print the chess board.

¥ Braces {} and carets ^^ are used to manipulate how KnightEdit will read
the move list. KnightEdit will ignore any moves in a set of braces. But if
there is a caret on the immediate right of a left brace, KnightEdit will read
the contents within the braces. If it has two carets, this will indicate to
KnightEdit to continue reading on the the next set of braces that has a caret.
The second caret of the first set is only needed to set the continuation flag
and no others are needed. Also if a caret is placed any where other than on
the right of a left brace, KnightEdit will exit the reading except when
placed within braces without a caret on the right of a left brace.
This is great if you are playing more than one game to a correspondent; it allows KnightEdit to read one game at a time with out getting a read error.

This should replace the version currently in the archives. Please note that I am
NOT the author of this program. Direct bug reports to Jesse Carpenter (who IS
the author) at:

Anyone interested in a game can contact me at the address below.


Eric Peters
