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C&T Changer 2.0 (c-t-changer-20.hqx)

Download c-t-changer-20.hqx (48,833 KB)

Subject: C&T Changer 2.0
Sent: 11/8/97 5:16 PM
Received: 11/8/97 6:06 PM
To: macgifts@SMI.Stanford.EDU
Enclosure: C&T Changer 2.0.sit

C&T Changer is an Apple Script Droplet to change creator type and file type
of a file. I made this script to deal with many files all at once or change
to same file type and crator frequently, which is made by C&T Changer
If some document files are droped to the C&T changer or you select some
document files and launch the C&T Changer from Apple menu, the crator and
the file type of the document files will be changed.

You need Apple Script.
You must install OSAX "Dialog Director" and OSAX "Resource Utilities" which
is included in the package of "Dialog direcor v0.6"


Tetsurou Kurita