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source/pascal/talk-106-source.hqx (talk-106-pas.hqx)

Download talk-106-pas.hqx (223,677 KB)

Date: Sat, 25 Apr 1992 13:07:01 +0800
From: Peter N Lewis
Subject: source/pascal/talk-106-source.hqx

This is the source code for Talk v1.0.6 & Talkd v1.0.6.

Talk and talkd is an implementation of the UNIX Talk protocol for
Macs with MacTCP. Talkd is a background only application
that notifies you when a talk connection is requested, and Talk is a
talk client, allowing you to talk to other machines. Both are System 7
friendly (but hopefully not dependent).

Talk&Talkd are Povertyware, which basically means you get to send me five
dollars if you can. The source code may be used for any non-commertial
purposes as long as I get a mention in the about box and documentation
of any derivative program.

Hope you like them,

Talk 1.0.6 & Talkd 1.0.6 Copyright 1992, Peter N Lewis