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Download artabrot-11-c.hqx (213,505 KB)

Date: Tue, 23 Nov 93 21:08:23 EST

ARTAbrot - Apple Real-Time Architecture Mandelbrot Program
Version 1.1
by George Warner

68020 or greater
ARTA equipped Macintosh (Quadra 840av, Centris 660av, or Mac with ARTA
plug-in board.

1. WHAT IT IS: ARTAbrot is a Mandelbrot program that it uses the AT&T
DSP3210 in ARTA to perform the intensive Mandelbrot calculations.

2. SOURCE CODE TOO! Complete source code is provided. For those who
would like some sample ARTA source code (which is scarce at the time of
this release). The DSP3210 source code is in file mbrot.s. All of the host
DSP function calls are in brotcode.c. For those of you considering DSP
programming, take a look at the mbrot.s DSP source code. This is DSP3210
assembly code, but it is very much like C code -- one of the very nice
features of the DSP3210.

Release 1.1 11/22/93 Added support for larger windows, resizable windows,
and background processing.
Release 1.0 08/23/93 First version.