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TStr255 class; a C++ class to replace the pascal Str255 string type. (t-str255-cpp.hqx)

Download t-str255-cpp.hqx (12,777 KB)

From: Andrew Nemeth
Subject: TStr255 class; a C++ class to replace the pascal Str255 string type.

Why bother? Because I'm sick of horsing around with
utility string functions for simple things like string
assignment and concatenation, either with pascal or
C strings.

The class has been designed to be as transparent a
'drop-in' as possilbe, and use of inline functions
mean you don't have to pay any speed penalty for
using it.

A small metrowerks project has been included to show
what the class is capable of. Step through the
project's code in a debugger to see the strings
chop and change.

Andrew thinks: "Shouldn't Apple be doing this?"

Small CW7 project included

Andrew Nemeth
24 Oct 1995
Blue Mountains, Sydney Australia