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mallocfree 1.0.1; C substitutes for the standard libraries (mallocfree-101-c.hqx)

Download mallocfree-101-c.hqx (9,476 KB)

From: (Fabrizio Oddone)
Subject: mallocfree 1.0.1; C substitutes for the standard libraries

mallocfree is meant to be used by programmers instead of the usual ANSI
memory manager. It includes malloc, free, realloc, calloc, and as
additional goodies getallocsize (works like _GetPtrSize/_GetHandleSize on a
mallocated block; the ANSI libraries miss this routine) and ffcalloc (you
pass a single parameter instead of the two parameters you are forced to
give to the standard calloc; this lets you avoid a multiplication at

C source code is included.

mallocfree can be used with any Mac under any System.

New since 1.0:
Fixed the incredible bug that prevented the memory manager to work
with the application's own heap (as opposed to temporary memory).