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HierMenus Exts (hier-menus-ext.hqx)

Download hier-menus-ext.hqx (14,321 KB)

From: SMTP%"" 30-JUL-1991 21:26:10.10
Subj: HierMenus Exts

Date: Wed, 31 Jul 91 13:10 GMT +1200
From: Allan Udy
Subject: HierMenus Exts
X-VMS-To: IN%""


This external adds a hierarchical menu onto a menu item in a normal 4D menu.

Int1 is the "Parent" menu ID.
Int2 is the "Parent" item ID.
Str3 is the title for the submenu (this is unused now, pass anything.)
Str4 is the Item list for the submenu (items in a string separated by semicolons, metacharacters can be used.)
Int5 is the ID to give the new submenu - must be between 3 and 1023 - be careful to avoid conflicts with existing menus!!

Use this external ONLY with menus that will be trapped for using the Menu Selected command (i.e. menus you would use while in a layout procedure.) The submenu items cannot call 4D globals!


will add a submenu to item 3 of menu 2 (the one immediately after the "Edit" menu). The submenu will contain three items, labeled "One", "Two", and "Three". Any menu selection in the submenu will return a menu ID of 5.

Some Metacharacters are

"!" - item has a check mark eg. "!%"
"/" - item has a kbd equiv. eg "/A"
"(" - item is disabled
"-" - item is a dividing line