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Benincosa Exts (benincosa-ext.hqx)

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From: SMTP%"" 30-JUL-1991 21:44:34.21
Subj: Benincosa Exts

Date: Wed, 31 Jul 91 13:27 GMT +1200
From: Allan Udy
Subject: Benincosa Exts
X-VMS-To: IN%""

GetFile(centerV;centerH;fType;fCreator; iconID;prompt;fileName; pathName;err)

GetFile displays a modified SFGetFile dialog for opening a file, centered around the coordinates centerV and centerH. You may specify an optional type and/or creator for limiting the list of files to that type and/or creator. If the type or creator is

% PutFile(centerV; centerH; iconID; prompt; SFPrompt; origName; fileName; pathName; err)

PutFile displays a modified SFPutFile dialog for saving or creating a file, centered around the coordinates centerV and centerH.

SetFInfo(theFile; fType; fCreator) err
SetFInfo is a function which sets the file signature of theFile to the type and creator specified. This is primarily useful if you want to change the creator of a file, since the 4D Create document command will set the type. Any errors are returned in

ModSTR(resType; resID; index; theStr; readOrWrite) err
ModSTR is a function which reads or modifies a STR or STR# resource. Specify the type of the resource to read in resType. If resType is not "STR " (you must include the space at the end) or "STR#", ModSTR does nothing and returns an error code of 1 (ba