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Agora2 Exts (agora2-ext.hqx)

Download agora2-ext.hqx (9,292 KB)

From: SMTP%"" 30-JUL-1991 21:47:46.14
Subj: Agora2 Exts

Date: Wed, 31 Jul 91 13:28 GMT +1200
From: Allan Udy
Subject: Agora2 Exts
X-VMS-To: IN%""

Agora2 Externals
Agora2.Ext is the second in the new numbered series of misc productivity externals. They are also the 4th in a series of shareware externals. This series contains 6 externals. They are

% Delay
Delay will issue a delay that is the number of ticks specified. Ticks are equal to 1/60 second

Longint - Number of Ticks to Wait

% FormatPhone
FormatPhone will take a raw string and convert it into a string formatted in the form
(###) ###-#### if there are 10 characters in the string
###-#### if there are seven characters in the string
and the same way as entered if it has an odd number of characters.

String1 - the String to be formatted
String2 - default area code, used only if it isn't blank

MoveWindow will move the topleft corner of the frontmost window to the coordinates specified by the two integers.

Integer1 - Horizontal coordinate
Integer2 - Vertical Coordinate

ResizeWindow will take the frontmost window and make it as high and wide as specified by the two paramaters.

Integer1 - Horizontal Coordinate
Integer2 - Vertical Corrdinate

Redraw will force a redraw of the screen of the Macintosh, for you hackers or would be external writers the Source code consists just of a

Num2SN Will take a Real Number and Integer as Arguments, and return a String which contains the Real number represented with Integer Number of Significant Digits.