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runTime Debugging Utilities for Director 1.5.3 (rt-debug-utilities-153.hqx)

Download rt-debug-utilities-153.hqx (354,154 KB)

From: Stephen
Subject: runTime Debugging Utilities for Director 1.5.3

runTime Debugging Utilities for Director 1.5.3

The runTime Debugging Utilities are a set of Macromedia Director MIAW Xtras
for debugging Projectors.

Minimum Requirements

The runTime Debugging Utilities are suitable for Macromedia Director® 6, 7
and 8 on Mac and Windows systems.

License and Distribution

You are allowed to use runTime Xtras as debugging tools in your development,
alfa and beta releases. If you choose to include the runTime Debugging
Utilities in your final product, you are required to register.

Shareware Notice

Witemedia's runTime Debugging Utilities are distributed as shareware, they
are NOT free. See the "How to Register" file for further instructions.

For further documentation, visit our website:

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