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Lingo Library 1.5 (lingo-library-15.hqx)

Download lingo-library-15.hqx (205,025 KB)

From: Kris
Subject: Lingo Library 1.5

Lingo Library 1.5

Product Description:

Lingo is the powerful object oriented scripting Macromedia Director uses.
The Lingo Library adds a diversity of useful Lingo functions to the basic
Lingo syntax and offers a variety of useful Behaviors and Parent Scripts.

What's new in this version:

As most important new feature, we are glad to offer you the XMLMUI parent
script, making MUI dialog implementation in Director easier than ever!
Several new functions added (in order of appearance):

* wmMovieName()
* wmFrameName()
* wmGoMovieFrame()
* wmSelectFile()
* wmSelectFolder()
* wmListFolder()
* wmFolderExists()
* wmSendMail()
* wmURLEncode()
* wmHTMLEncode()
* wmHTMLEntityList()
* wmSelectedMember()
* wmSelectedCastLib()
* wmSelectedMemberList()

New behaviors added:

* SpriteToWindow

New parent scripts added:

* Database Manager
* Window Manager
* XMLMUI class

A variety of small improvements to the existing functions and behaviors.
Consult the quoted remarks within the Lingo Library for further information.
A complete reference manual is now also available on-line. Please visit the
Whitemedia website for more info.

For more information, visit the Whitemedia website

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