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AT&Tccl.sit.hqx (scr-att-paradyne-comsphere-3810.hqx)

Download scr-att-paradyne-comsphere-3810.hqx (3,897 KB)

Date: 16 Feb 1993 21:08:14 -0700
From: "Peter Thornewell"
Subject: AT&Tccl.sit.hqx

This is a CCL for the AT&T Paradyne Comsphere 3810 modem. Actually it's a quick
hack from the Hayes Smartmodem 2400 but changed to allow access at upto
14.4kbaud. I had to write this quickly as we needed it for our Shiva LAN
Rover-E so I haven't used any of the modem's advanced features (but apparently
ARA does it's own data compression etc, so these may not be required). This CCL
has not been written by AT&T and hence it is not approved by them (but it still

Pete Thornewell

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