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CCN X 1.35 (Carbon version) (ccn-x-135.hqx)

Download ccn-x-135.hqx (444,052 KB)

From: Brian Stevens
Subject: CCN X 1.35 (Carbon version)

CCN X works in BOTH OS 8/9 and OS X but requires CarbonLib 1.4 or
higher for OS 8 & 9.

CCN X is the successor to CCN Plus and has several integrated components:

* Calendar
Monthly calendar with a digital clock and chime.
Scroll by year or month and also jump to a specific year quickly
Countdown event or date shown based on preferences
Options configurable including a 24-hour clock, daynote
retention and color and more.

* Day Notes (notes associated with a date) are just one click away
A pageable weekly view is also printable.
A monthly view is also printable.
List View shows all the notes in chronological order
US holidays can be added for any year via the preferences option

* Countdown - a realtime Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds countdown
to the date of your choice.

* Notes - a general notepad for collecting To Dos and other important
ideas you want to save. All printable.

* Timers short-term reminders with automatic repetitions.

* Recurring Day Notes can be created automatically for those events
that happen every week, month or year.

Components are independent with levels of integration with each other
and emphasize small desktop size.

CCN X Version History:
1.35 (April 28, 2003)
* Enhancement - Add Daylight saving Time Begin date and end date to holidays.
* Enhancement - Make printing work on extra general notes
* Bug fix - All three characters of Wednesday now show up weekly view
* Bug fix - Minor changes to export file format
* Bug fix - Add error check for corrupt registration file
* Bug fix - Related to running CCN X with unsupported CalCountNote
daynotes file.
1.29 (January 20, 2003)
* Enhancement: Daynotes export file name and location can be selected .
* Misc minor bug fixes for calendar display and User note pads.
1.22 (January 6, 2003)
* Bug fix: crash at startup in OS X
1.20 (January 1, 2003)
* Enhancement: Daynotes can be exported to a text file for archiving
or backups
* Enhancement: Multiple user note pads can be created
* Enhancement: Weekly view opens to same year/month (relative to 1st
of month) displayed on calendar - consistent with behavior of monthly
* Creating daynote holidays now prevents adding duplicate holiday daynotes.
* "Delete if older than " in Preferences now allows up to 9999 days
to provide another option to keep older notes (KEEP and EXPORT
daynotes are helpful with very old notes too).

* Daynote check boxes de-selected on weekly view after using delete button
* Internal changes for "trial" mode only
1.13 (October 17, 2002)
* Bug fix - display on calendar wrong after setting a recurring daynote
* Bug fix - some dates don't display correctly when bolded in OS X
1.15 (November 12, 2002)
* Daynote check boxes de-selected on weekly view after using delete button
* Internal changes for "trial" mode only

1.1 (September 28, 2002)
* Quick delete added to weekly view
* Document icon fixes
* Internal fixes

1.0.7 (September 19, 2002)
* changed application icons
* Bug fix - for opening daynotes from weekly planner that cross
monthly boundary
* Bug fix - keep button checked when new daynotes opened from weekly planner
* Bug fix - calendar dates resized
* Bug fix - changed menu to use CMD W for closing windows
* Bug fix - unwanted window would show up if BRING to FRONT used
from WINDOWs menu.
* Bug fix - calendar color not changed when daynote opened via weekly view.

1.0 (August 25, 2002)
* Initial release - successor to CCN Plus application
* Application carbonized to run in OS X. Minor changes to some
interface elements to accommodate windows in OS X.
* Changed calendar and daynotes to use full month names instead of 3
character month abbreviation for foreign language compatibility
* Clicking on days in the weekly view now opens the daynote for that day.
* Can now stop an active timer - only stops the active timer not the
repetitions if those are turned on.
* Window names in menu always active. Selecting an already open
window from the menu just brings it to the foreground.
* Preferences for calendar starting day internationalized to display
Sunday or Monday in local language.
* Clicking on time/month and year at top of the calendar opens the
Goto Year window.
* Balloon help has been replaced (not supported in OS X) with a
scrolling help window
* Preference to turn audible click on or off when opening daynotes or notes.
* Added standard WINDOWS navigation menu
* Bug fix - Calendar wouldn't change days at midnight if running if
24-hour time mode.
* Bug fix - Daynote bolded in calendar when saved on today's date in
another month.
* Bug fix - weekly planner display not updated after daynote close
if planner on different month from calendar.